Where are the moles and how to get rid of them?

the mole

Almost every one of us, at least once in their life, come across the cells – complicated, and with the emerods, which the ball hit the hand, the fingers, the feet, and the area of the armpits and some other areas of the body. Often, the root cause of these benign lesions to cancer is the human papilloma virus (HPV), which affects each and every second on this planet.

What you need to know about HPV?

Under the HPV today, they comprise a group of viruses (over 100), which is establishing itself in the tissues and fluids of the human body, and over time can manifest itself as a conventional, smooth surface, all the cells in the body (actually the cells). HPV is most commonly transmitted through contact with the skin cloak, the body of an infected person through towels, clothes, and sexually transmitted diseases. This is the kind of virus you may easily be in a wedding on a steam bath, a sauna, a swimming pool, in the locker room of the fitness club and other places with high humidity, and questionable sanitation. To penetrate into the body, the virus can survive for ever and a complete cure, and unfortunately, it is not intended.

In addition to this, in the body of a medium and at the same time, there may be dozens of strains of HPV. If you have a strong immunity, and the absence of chronic diseases, the virus infection can be, in a state-of-the sandman will not be revealed. However, in the case of the weakening of protective functions of the body, HPV can be present in the form of cancer, raising the temperature of the body, with a number of diseases.

The main problems that cause the so-called plantar warts, which appear on the legs, the greater the area of friction along the way. These allow to represent a grey-callus-like seal, which is very painful while walking. It is extremely unpleasant, and the cells in the body, whose removal, however, is problematic because of the thin skin from the integument in the area of its location.

For the treatment of HPV infection are of special antiviral drugs as well as immunotherapy; although, as we have said before, you can get if you purchased it, the virus is always present, is not possible.

The medical methods for removal of warts

Modern dermatology for the removal of the tumor, in order to allow to use the most successful techniques.

  • Cryosurgery. To burn the benign tumor with liquid nitrogen. Enough to have just a few procedures for the complete removal of the warts. The procedure is quite painful, as well as the ice-bound nitrogen to come into contact with the skin when the air temperature is at - 196 degrees Celsius. From a technical note on the complexity of the control, the level of freezing during the cauterization, and also the possibility of the appearance of the scar at the location remote from the cells.
  • The burning of the laser. It is running the layer-by-layer removal of the scale, with the use of a local anesthetic, and medical lasers. This method is less traumatic, and therefore, the cosmetic on the site of the wart, it usually does not take place.
  • Electrocoagulation. On the basis of the methodology and the potential impact on the affected area of the skin to control high current. When the deep, burning roots of the cells after the healing of the wound, it is possible for the occurrence of the scar.
  • To be surgically removed. It is used very often, usually when it is the depth of the location of the roots of a built-up edge. After the removal of the body from the cells, then the surgeon puts on the amendment, after it has been picked to stay on top of the scar. Innovative, with the option of so – called " radiowave surgery, suggesting that the removal of the cells by means of radio waves of high frequency (3,8-4,0 Mhz).

The food in the house

To remove a wart-joint, and into the house. For these purposes, it is often used in cosmetics, medicine and in formulations to be made on the basis of the natural celandine, or of the alkali of the asset.

Before you remove the wart to protect the healthy skin near the affected area should be applied in a very thin layer of infant cream or petroleum jelly. Now we can proceed with the recording. To do this, simply apply a small drop of the composition directly on the wart and allow it to dry completely. A similar procedure, you will need to repeat 1-2 times a night and within a couple of days. In the process of the treatment, the warts will flake off, and then it disappears completely, leaving behind a small pigmentary stain, which will disappear after a period of time.

By using the method of elimination of the growths, and pointed papillomas, then you should be very careful. The concentrate of the alkali is contained in such a formulation, which is extremely aggressive and, therefore, is to calculate the volume of a single dose, in a burn-in procedure, you may leave behind you, a deep anti-corrosive, that is, in the future, you are going to get wet, and a lot of time to heal. The appearance of a scar, or a scar, where no such error is inevitable.

Start instantly, and the centers of the patches

Trying to get rid of warty of the site, and with modern drugs, on the basis of validity, particularly for the cooling of the mixture. The temperature of the liquid is about 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. In accordance with the instruction of the manufacturers to ensure the removal of built-up edge, on the average, for a period of 10 to 14 days.

However, these drugs can not ensure that you have a healing effect. They also show that the result is only fighting with a small, single warts. A good and established, and special adhesives, or bandages, pencils, impregnated with salicylic acid, or of fatty acids. This may lead you to a year-and-a-half to two months.

The guarantees don't give it to anyone

In spite of a wide range of tools and methods for the removal of warts and papillomas for HPV, to ensure the complete cure and the absence of a relapse in the future, it will not take you to any other person. Unfortunately, the likelihood of a secondary appearance of the tumors is large enough. All of the material, the deeper the location of the virus pattern on the skin of the skin, as well as the poor selection of treatments and techniques.

It is possible to protect yourself from a recurrence, you should keep your immune system by taking vitamin complexes, in an attempt to avoid shaking hands with unknown people, and also to monitor the health of the skin is the integument (the use of gloves or protective clothing in production), to avoid narrow shoes, and the appearance of calluses on the soles of the feet.

Safety precautions

The determination of the exclusion of the infection, be sure to consult with a doctor or to a dermatologist. After all, there is no way that you will be able to mix and make a normal nevus, or capillary hemangioma, for a flat wart. And the burning of the nevus can lead to tragic consequences, until the emergence of a cancer of the trouble.

A consultation with a specialist, while leaving the necessary analysis, and then to remove the tumors in the clinic, it allows you to avoid the risk and maintain your health.